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Did you know you create own energy field?

What is Chi you ask...

It's Energy and Vibration

Energy encompasses both positive and negative aspects, with electromagnetic vitality coursing through all living entities within the realm of existence, perpetually seeking equilibrium.

It's You

By grasping the dynamics of how Chi energy circulates within your body, mind, and spirit, you unlock the key to nurturing the vitality and well-being we all aspire to attain.

Your Body is Energy and it Surrounds YOU

Imagine a world pulsating with an unseen force, a magnetic dance that envelops us in its embrace. Picture this energy weaving through every living cell within us, connecting us to the very essence of existence. It’s the symphony of life, a dance between our internal cells and the vast expanse of the external world. This Life Force Energy, though elusive to our eyes, is the heartbeat of nature, guiding us in the intricate choreography of our being.

Yet, how often do we remain oblivious to this cosmic ballet? Many live their lives unaware of this pulsating force that shapes our reality. It’s a responsive energy, always in motion, aligning with the harmonious rhythm that nature intended. Our very existence hinges on this interplay with the unseen field, an integral part of our being.

When this cosmic dance is disrupted, we feel the repercussions—illness, a loss of vitality. The purpose of this energy is equilibrium, and it originates from within ourselves. Our integrity, self-mastery, and self-awareness form the core of this energy. It has the power to either fortify or fracture the energetic field that surrounds us, leaving a trail of either devastating or everlasting effects.

Our energy field operates under the laws of nature, where all integrities are harmonious. Any departure from this integrity creates conflict. To escape this conflict, we must refrain from abusing the energy factors of our lives. This means respecting our bodies, emotions, and minds—barring incompatible attitudes that disrupt the bestowed integrity of nature.

The magnetic fields governing this energy are incorruptibly honest. We cannot make them dishonest; we can only diminish or destroy their manifestation of integrity. Failure to adhere to these principles leads to the loss of the benefits derived from this energy, often misconstrued as the arrival of evil. In truth, it is the failure of a good thing to be fully realized, intensifying the negative aspects of the energy.

Furthermore, these magnetic fields are in a perpetual state of evolution, mirroring the life journey of the individual. Birth may place us on a certain level of magnetic integrity, but personal growth and becoming a better person strengthen these values. It’s a gradual process of enhancing the perfection of an energy resource that is, fundamentally, YOU!

It's so easy, you just Breathe

Find your way to move your Chi


Ancient cultures possessed profound wisdom, acknowledging the sacred link between our chi energy and existence. They wielded this profound insight as the key to safeguarding health and nurturing well-being, embracing it as the essence of Chi, the universal life force energy. Unlock the timeless mastery of channeling and directing this ancient energy, empowering yourself to ignite profound healing and vitality on a daily basis with each breath and movement you take.


Body Mind Soul Spirit

The intricate interplay between our mind, body, and spirit can manifest subconsciously within our physical being, either generating a rejuvenating flow of vibrant Chi or, conversely, leading to stagnation if left unattended.

Embark on a journey to master the harmonious connection of these three treasures through meditation, while unlocking guidance and inner peace along the way. 



Explore the fascinating world of 5 Element Cooking, a culinary approach that unveils the profound connection between the food we consume and our vital life force energy, known as Chi. Within this journey, you’ll not only learn to identify the foods that enhance and invigorate your energy but also gain valuable insights into those that can inadvertently sap and diminish it, empowering you to make informed dietary choices that optimize your overall well-being

We do 3 things Everyday


Every day we move some Chi. There are live videos and an instruction video library with a download capability, so you can be anywhere and move some Chi. We also have a great community of people who care about their health and wellness and want to create Chi vitality.  Remember, it’s who you hang around with.


Every day we listen to our Chi.  We have many opportunities for you to tune in and begin to listen to your body and change your brain waves. Create that inner transformation.  There are live meditations, creating energy with everyone in the room, a library to teach you how to meditate and the benefits, and we even have a SoundCloud mp4 library to listen to the vibe most in support of your current mood.


We talk about Chi and how the foods we eat influence our feelings daily. Once identified, this element can be the easiest part of your life.  Our nutrition guide can help you keep food simple. We have live videos where we discuss a food topic of the day and learn how to adapt the 5 Elements to our everyday life. We also have a public cookbook where we constantly add new and exciting recipes to increase your Chi.


Greetings, fellow seekers! I am Lynn Marie, the founder of ChiEnergize. I’m excited that you’ve found our community and I’m confident that the resources we offer will resonate with you on a deep level.

At a turning point in my life, I was struggling with stress, excess weight, and various health conditions, including Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, and Asthma. But then I discovered the ancient art of Qigong and the transformative power of energy. These practices became my arsenal against anxiety and helped me harmonize with my nervous system, ultimately leading to improved well-being.

Energy is a powerful force that surrounds us, and by focusing our intention, we can shape our destiny. Despite facing skepticism from my doctor, I took control of my health and embarked on a journey to reunite my mind, body, and spirit. This journey was not without its challenges, as I navigated through countless programs that promised miracles but delivered disappointment.

However, by accepting responsibility for my well-being and embracing radical acceptance, I was able to shed not just physical weight but also gain invaluable wisdom. Now, I’m eager to share what I’ve learned with you and help you unlock your boundless potential. Together, let’s embark on a journey of holistic well-being.

Our clients

About us

Jane has been practicing a while and really enjoys the flexibility
Seated Chi Class
Lisa is enjoying meditation and how it brings all aspects of this practice together
Ben Rhodes
Ben just joined, He said he is interested in learning more about nutrition and how that can impact his total body. Him and his buddy Sasha work out together!

Feel free to reach out to me with a message. Your transformation brings me immense joy, and I would be delighted to hear from you!

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