Welcome to
Chi Energize

Did you know you create your own energy field?

What is Chi you ask...

It's Energy and Vibration

Energy encompasses both positive and negative forces, with electromagnetic currents flowing through every living being and constantly seeking balance.

It's You

By understanding how Chi energy flows through your body, mind, and spirit, you gain the key to cultivating the vitality and well-being we all seek.

Your Body is Energy and it Surrounds YOU

Imagine a world pulsing with an invisible force—a magnetic dance embracing us at every turn. This energy threads through every living cell, connecting us to the core of existence. It is the rhythm of life, a synergy between our inner being and the vast expanse of the outside world. Though imperceptible to our eyes, this Life Force Energy is nature’s heartbeat, guiding us through an intricate cosmic choreography.

Yet how often do we overlook this dance? Many remain oblivious to the vitality shaping our reality. Constantly in motion, this energy aligns itself with the harmonious flow intended by nature. Our very existence hinges on keeping pace with this unseen field, an integral aspect of who we are.

When the cosmic flow falters, we sense the effects—illness, weakness, or loss of vigor. This energy inherently seeks balance, arising from within us. Our integrity, self-mastery, and self-awareness form its bedrock, determining whether our energetic field is fortified or fractured—each choice shaping consequences that can be either devastating or enduring.

Our energy field obeys nature’s laws, guided by intrinsic harmony. Stray from that harmony, and we encounter conflict. To avoid such discord, we must honor our bodies, emotions, and minds, rejecting any attitudes that undercut nature’s bestowed integrity.

Magnetic forces underpinning this energy are incorruptibly honest—we cannot make them dishonest; we can only diminish or destroy their natural integrity. Ignoring these principles causes us to lose the blessings of this energy, often mistaken for the emergence of evil. In truth, it is the unrealized potential of something good, magnifying the negative aspects within us.

Moreover, these magnetic fields perpetually evolve, mirroring each person’s life journey. Though birth may place us at a certain level of magnetic integrity, our growth and betterment strengthen these core values. It is a gradual process of refining an energy resource that, at its essence, is you.

It's so easy, you just Breathe

Discover the Path that Awakens and Guides your Chi.


Ancient cultures understood the sacred bond between Chi and existence, harnessing this profound knowledge as a foundation for health and well-being. Recognizing Chi as the universal life force, they tapped into its power to protect vitality and cultivate balance. Today, you can inherit this timeless mastery: by learning to channel and guide Chi, you ignite deep healing and renewed energy with every breath and movement.


Body Mind Soul Spirit

The interplay of mind, body, and spirit subtly shapes our physical reality, either fostering a revitalizing current of Chi or causing stagnation when left unchecked. Begin your journey toward synchronizing these three treasures through meditation, unlocking both guidance and inner peace along the way.



Discover the captivating world of 5 Element Cooking, a culinary approach that illuminates the powerful link between the foods we eat and our vital Chi energy. In this journey, you’ll learn to identify the ingredients that elevate and enliven your Chi, as well as those that can inadvertently drain it—equipping you to make dietary choices that truly nourish your overall well-being.

We do 3 things Everyday


Every day is an opportunity to revitalize your Chi. With live videos and a downloadable instruction library, you can move your Chi anytime, anywhere. Plus, you’ll be part of a caring community focused on health, wellness, and creating vibrant Chi energy together. After all, the people you surround yourself with shape the journey ahead.


Every day, you have the chance to tune into your Chi and shift your brain waves for deeper transformation. Join our live meditations to harness collective energy, explore our extensive library that guides you through techniques and benefits, and tap into our SoundCloud mp4 collection to match the vibe you need. Embrace the opportunity to truly listen to your body and transform from within.


We explore how the foods we eat influence our feelings each day. Once you recognize this connection, nutrition can become the simplest part of your life. Our nutrition guide helps you keep meals straightforward, and our live videos offer daily food insights, teaching you how to adapt the 5 Elements to everyday living. Plus, our public cookbook is always growing, packed with new and exciting recipes to boost your Chi.


Greetings, fellow seekers! I’m Lynn Marie, founder of ChiEnergize. I’m so glad you’ve discovered our community and trust you’ll find deep resonance with the resources we offer.

My own journey began at a crossroads in life when I was weighed down by stress, extra pounds, and several health conditions, including Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, and Asthma. Then I found Qigong and tapped into the transformative power of energy. Through these practices, I learned to calm my anxiety and harmonize with my nervous system, which revitalized my overall well-being.

Energy is a force that surrounds us, and when we focus our intentions, we can truly shape our destiny. Despite my doctor’s doubts, I decided to take charge of my health, aiming to reconnect mind, body, and spirit. It wasn’t always easy—like many, I tried countless programs that promised miracles but left me disappointed. Yet by taking responsibility for my well-being and practicing radical acceptance, I not only shed physical weight but gained invaluable wisdom.

I’m eager to share these insights with you and help you unlock your boundless potential. Together, let’s embark on a journey toward holistic well-being. Welcome to ChiEnergize!

Feel free to reach out anytime—I’m thrilled by your transformation and would love to hear from you! And don’t forget to sign up for the free 14-day subscription.

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