Harvesting Chi after Meditation with your Ears

Hey everyone! I truly believe that each of us has the potential to heal ourselves. This amazing ability is already within you, just waiting to be discovered and used. Today, I’m excited to share with you a simple yet powerful technique.

After your meditation, it’s important to harness your body’s chi energy and direct it to specific parts of your body to improve circulation. One effective way to do this is by massaging your ears. The ears are remarkable organs that are connected to various parts of the body, including the skin, ribs, limbs, spine, and internal organs. For instance, the outer ear corresponds to the spine, the ear lobes to the liver and heart, and the bottom of the ear to the kidneys. The top of the ear represents the lungs. By massaging your ears, you can promote the circulation of chi throughout your entire body.

Experienced Chinese doctors are able to diagnose various health issues simply by examining the ears. During your Qigong practice, you accumulate a lot of chi energy, and massaging your ears helps you distribute this energy more effectively to your organs, which improves overall circulation.

To perform this technique, start by massaging from the top of your ears downwards. Hold your ear lobes for about three seconds, release, and then repeat the massage. This practice is a crucial part of Daoist longevity techniques. The ears are also strongly connected to the brain, and massaging them can boost chi energy to the brain. Additionally, the shape of the ear resembles the kidneys, and this massage can benefit kidney function. Pulling down on the ear lobes also enhances heart and liver circulation.

Historically, a study in China found that women who wore earrings experienced fewer liver problems. This exercise can be done anytime and as often as you like, ideally nine times per session. I do it daily and find it incredibly beneficial.

I hope you find this information about ear massage useful. If you enjoyed this technique, please share it with a friend and give me a like. As always, I love you and send you many chi blessings.


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