Transformation begins here. . .

Live Zoom Class

Daily Warm-up

Start Time: Monday, Sep 16, 2024 11:19 PM
Timezone: America/Chicago
Password: Chi4Me

Join Lynn Marie as she leads you systematically though the internal processes of Qigong. Study authentic internal work in this ongoing program.

  1. Daily Zoom video class to really understand how to Energize your Chi 
  2. Fundamentals of Qigong  – Qi = Breath Gong = Movement
  3. Key principles of posture and breath
  4. Preparation of the Mind and Body for Meditation
  5. Clear path of progression as you  independently Energize your Chi
  6. Begin to understand your Chi through the Micro Cosmic Orbit

This membership brings the benefits of taking time for oneself daily and practicing Qigong for only 15 minutes a day increases your energy, vitatlity and reduces cognitive decline. Qigong is a form of exercise that involves moving the body’s energy field and can help alleviate physical discomfort while also improving overall health. By practicing Qigong regularly, you can improve the flow of your energy, or Jing, and gain Chi and Shen, which are also important elements of traditional Chinese medicine. By committing just a small amount of time each day to this practice, you can begin to experience the positive effects it has on your body and mind.


The Four Stages of Internal Alchemy

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