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All About
Chi in Food

Nutrition Energy

What you eat or don’t eat plays a massive role in how your body can stay healthy.  Building Chi energy requires a combination of physical energy manipulation and following a healthy diet that avoids foods that cause disruptions to chi flow. We listen to you and help you begin to listen to your own body in a way you’ve never known.

Nutrition education and counseling to meet your needs

We provide individualized, evidenced-based information, considering your lifestyle and create a treatment plan that can help in the management of many health conditions:

  • Cancer
  • Eating disorders
  • Food allergies
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Gestational Diabetes
  • General Health and Wellness
  • Heart disease
  • Hypoglycemia/low blood sugar
  • Irritable Bowel
  • Liver diseases
  • High cholesterol/triglycerides
  • Kidney diseases
  • High blood pressure
  • Weight Management

Speaking of nutrition, everyone knows that fruits and vegetables are good for you, but what about meat? Is it a healthy part of your diet? You’ll find what’s best for your body!

If we practice qigong, we know that the chi is the life energy responsible for giving us life and, therefore, our health. It stands to reason that what feeds the chi should be good for us, and what foods inhibit its flow would not be conducive to promoting health.

Thus, qigong masters know that chi is a barometer of health: by measuring their levels of chi, they can tell whether the food consumed was good for their bodies.

 I began to experiment with my diet as part of my training. To my amazement, not only did I feel much more energetic, but my chi became much more robust, and I became much more aware of what foods I consumed gave me energy and what made my chi move more sluggish.

 I started to eat clean whole foods and never touched any flour, sugar, or dairy products, but I seldom got sick, and my chronic fibromyalgia and skin allergies disappeared.

During this time, I practiced intermittent fasting, qigong, and meditation several times each day, in addition to practicing qigong for several hours with my students.

This was when I was working part-time and doing a full-time graduate degree simultaneously! I should have felt stressed out or tired from my heavy regimen. Perhaps, but those years were the healthiest of my life.

When the body is stressed out, it requires additional calories to supplement regular diet & nutrition. Despite my heavy workload, I did not appear to suffer from nutritional deficiencies. Our body needs this stress, feast, and famine to work efficiently.

Let’s work together to find out where you can improve what you are already doing and add things to your tool belt to begin your Chi discovery.

One to One

Schedule a time to begin your nutrition journey. The first session of discovery is free!
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