Chi Healing Herbs

The Chi of Healing Herbs

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Herbs have been used throughout history and are the precursor to modern pharmaceuticals.

Today, herbs still provide the source and inspiration for the majority of the pharmaceutical products used in modern Western Medicine.  Herbology is now a science and art.  An herbalist must understand the energetic effects of each individual herb, and the synergistic effects of each.

Herbs can tonify, purge, disperse, warm, cool and nourish the yin and yang and clear heat.  As well as move the primary chi, blood, phlegm, and fluids within the body and causes the chi in the body to either ascend or descend. Thus, we categorize according to the nature and effect that they produce on the body.  When energetically tailored to a patient’s individual constitution herbs can be an invaluable aid in restoring and maintaining the health of the body.  It has been found in traditional Chinese medicine that certain spiritual and energetic qualities exist within special roots, barks, stems, flowers, or fruits of a plant.  My teachers explained that each plant, mineral, and animal part, spiritually manifested certain physical and energetic characteristics, and the level at which these qualities influenced the body’s Chi, Jing and Shen.

Plant’s have the ability of infusing new life into the sick, they can awaken vital powers and help people fulfill their life purpose. Nurtures the essential nature, replenishes deficiencies and cures illness.

Plant essence naturally resonates with the subtle energetic nature of the human body’s original system, engages the body’s natural ability to relax and release stress, assisting the patient to prevent the body stress time to be decreased and effecticly increase chi and blood circulation.

Superior, Medium, and Inferior Herbs

Using Herbs with Qigong

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