I ventured bravely to the outer reaches of my comfort zone, driven by an unwavering determination to facilitate my own healing.

The First Step

  Go Beyond Your Comfort Zone…

Empowering Your Own Energy Towards Vibrant Health 

Are you experiencing aches, pains, fatigue, low energy, unexplained headaches, digestive issues, frequent colds, or skin problems? If so, I can relate to your struggles. For more than two decades, I found myself trapped in a lifestyle that resulted in substantial weight gain—over 100 pounds, to be precise. This excess weight had detrimental effects on my well-being, leading to a cascade of illnesses. I increasingly relied on pharmaceuticals to manage the pain and symptoms, eventually developing an addiction.

However, my perspective shifted when I realized that the key to conquering my condition lay in uncovering its underlying cause within my body. I embarked on a transformative journey that enabled me to establish vital connections. Surprisingly, this path to healing was more manageable than it initially seemed.

I’d be happy to share my experience and the insights I gained along the way. We can explore solutions and approaches that may help you overcome your challenges.

Love Jing, Chi and Shen,

Lynn Marie

Founder – ChiEnergize 

We Help You achieve what you seek

How Does it Work

The reason our system is so easy to use is because it learns from you! All of us tend to do the same thing over and over and expect different results. Our teachers remember what you’ve done most often in the past by listening and help to make it easy for you to add those new postures, food, or meditations to help you along your path. 

So, the more you track your progress, the easier it becomes to see those daily changes this provides. We provide the tools to make lasting change in your Life!

It work’s with your Chi, you begin to learn where your Life Force Energy exists within because after all, It’s your Life Force Energy, it’s the electrical movement within providing us with circulation, nutrients, and minerals that we need to be whole. We call it Chi and it starts at birth when we are given our prenatal Chi.  As we age our body loses that easy flow that we all had as a child. We create stagnate Chi from our daily life that many of us don’t know how to release, let alone how to activate for health and wellness.  When you do not release this Chi it builds up and it can slowly cause DIS-ease within the body. After all the body just wants to be in balance.

Like Newton said energy can neither be created or destroyed only transformed. We teach how to identify and activate this healing life force within, it’s your Chi to release and only you can do it.  When you begin to practice this ancient technique the stagnation and excess just magically melt away, and you end up with energy and a zest for life you never thought you’d have again, It’s LITERALLY MAGIC and I feel I’ve found the fountain of youth! I don’t need ANYTHING else than what this practice gives me daily and because I was given this gift, I just want to give it away. Come join our beginner warm-up class free for a week and see how really easy it is to move your Chi energy, see how much better you will feel.

Follow me, let’s move some Chi 

This was me . . .

In Paris
In 1999 on top of the Eifel Tower, at my heaviest 210 pounds.

And this is me now....Lynn Marie

Studying TCM to become a TCM Barefoot Doctor
Qigong Certified Trainer
Animal Reike
Acupressure Practitioner
Crystal Reike
Website Designer

Lynn Marie's Training & Certifications
Xian Tian College

Xian Tian College of Chinese Medicine

Current independent student in my first year of the TCM Theory at the college that teaches Acupuncture, Tui Na Bodywork, Qi Emission and Chinese Herbal Medicine

School of Shun Dao Qigong

4 years training under Sifu Boggie, Dragon Dog Shaman, Barefoot Doctor receiving a Red Sash and teacher certification.


Holden Qigong

Current student of Lee Holden Dr. TCM training 3 times a week. Received certification in 8 week Acupressure training course and Breathwork course and several others.


Internal Arts Academy

Current student of Damo Mitchell, Dr. TCM and Daoist Master. Enrolled in his Nei Gong, Taiji Quan and Baguazhang Program with 3 classes a week.

Animal Reike Certification

University of Michigan Lisa Powers, Instructor

Crystal Reike Certification

University of Michigan Lisa Powers, Instructor

Right Hand Path Reike Certification

Sensei Joseph S. Gracia, Ph.D.

Wim Hof Method

-Classic 10-week Course
-Power of the Mind Course

EFT International

EFT tapping Trainer, 10 year Practitioner, and Mentor

Lean Six Sigma

Certified Lean Black Belt
Six Sigma stands for the process to define, measure, analyze, improve and control

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